Dry July

By Vicki Lewis

I've joined the fight against Parkinson's

I would like to do Dry July to raise money for PSP. It’s a disease close to my heart because my brother died from it 6 years ago. I am currently helping to care for a lovely lady who also suffers from PSP. PSP stands for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. It’s a fatal disease with life expectancy of 6-9 years after diagnosis. It’s a rare brain condition that affects body movement such as walking, balance, eye function, speech and swallowing, just to name a few. It’s caused by damage to nerve cells in the areas of the brain that control and coordinate movement. It was first named by doctors in 1964 so it’s a relatively newly discovered disease. Many people first heard of PSP when British actor and comedian Dudley Moore disclosed he had the condition in 1999. Singer Linda Ronstat was forced to retire from singing in 2009 as she also had it. Since looking after my client with PSP I can already see improvements in medical technology since my brother passed, for example they have a special walker designed for PSP sufferers that has a smaller turning circle, brakes on always and is bottom heavy to help prevent falls which my brother had dozens of, the last one being fatal. The more money that is raised, the more research that can be done to help sufferers of this horrible condition.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Vicki Lewis


Christine Murphy

I know how much your family went through at the time. Pleasure to help you out.


Amanda, Alicia & Samira


Sue Gould



Good work Vicki!


Kylie Stols

Good work Mum



All the best.


Maureen Stols

Well done Vick


Rosie Pearce

For my dear friend Ronda


Jacqui Hicks


Irene Rothall


Sharyn Woodroofe

Good on you Vic đź’—


Maureen Kearnan

You got this Vicki….. Keep doing what you are doing for this great cause. Maureen x


Carole Bywaters

Good luck


Marianne Hills

Hi Vicki, I hope you make your goal, good luck, this is a great cause to dry july for. x


Sue Visser

Keep going you are doing a great thing x