Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions which you cannot find the answer for below, please do not hesitate to contact our fundraising team on 03 8809 0400 or email fundraising@fightparkinsons.org.au.

How do I register?

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You can click “Register” at the top of the page and choose your fundraising activity. Alternatively you can choose your activity and create a page from each section.

What support can Fight Parkinson’s give me?

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We are here to support you every step of the way. We can help change your page, give you ideas on how to fundraise and possible media opportunities if your fundraising allows it. Please contact us at fundraising@fightparkinsons.org.au or call us on 03 8809 0400.

Where does the money I raise go?

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Your support allows Fight Parkinson’s to continue to deliver the most comprehensive and advanced information, education, and support programs that empower people living with Parkinson’s and people living with Atypical Parkinson’s to get the most out of their lives.

Living with Parkinson’s as it progresses is a fight. With your support and through our work, we can continue to fight to realise possibilities for people living with Parkinson’s.

Does it cost money to register?

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No – you can choose to fundraise however you wish and it wont cost any money to create a page.

How do I upload photos?

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You can add or change photos by clicking on the ‘Edit My Page’ tab. Follow the prompts and ensure you save your changes. Click the ‘view’ link above your fundraising information to see your changes.

Alternatively, you can contact us and we can help you change it.

How do I change my message or page name?

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You can change your page name and personal message by clicking on the ‘Edit My Page’ tab. Follow the prompts and ensure you save your changes. Click the ‘view’ link above your fundraising information to see your changes.

Alternatively, you can contact us and we can help you change it.

I forgot my username and password

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Don't worry - it happens to the best of us! Once you click login, you'll see a prompt if you've forgotten your details. We'll send you an e-mail with a reminder of your username and a link to reset your password.

How do I share my fundraising page?

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Once registered, everyone has their own unique fundraising link. This can be shared through any social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. It can also be sent via SMS or email so you can reach all your family and friends with what you are doing.

You can share your link by copying and pasting it or by using the share buttons on your page.