Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics Centre

By Linda Thompson

I've joined the fight against Parkinson's

BMLAC Distinguished Service member, Trevor Lyne is currently battling Parkinson’s Disease, a progressive neurological condition that can affect anyone. Parkinson's is the second most common neurological condition and latest research estimates indicates that more than 100,000 Australians are living with Parkinson's.

At this year’s end of season Cross Country home run and Presentation Day we will be raising money for Fight Parkinson’s in honour of Trevor.  Athletes, parents and supporters will be raising funds and dressing up in blue to support this event.

Your donation today will:

* Allow Fight Parkinson’s to deliver training to local areas and to build capacity in the community and the health system as a whole.

* Help bridge the access gap for those needing vital health information, education and support.

* Help deliver Peer Support Programs to allow those living with Parkinson’s to connect with others facing similar issues.

* Provide a multi-disciplinary Health Information Services.

The more people that know about Parkinson's, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Thank you to my Sponsors


The Lloyd's



Final Cross Country fundraiser


Helen Lyne

We "are all on this journey together" Love . Your family.


Corinne Shea


Clarke Family


Christine Ferreira


Ibrahim Family.


Linda Thompson

In honour of true gentleman and great friend. Keep up the fight Trev!


Chantelle Estlick

Love the Estlick Family


Johann Johansen


One Of The Bmlac Families


Karen Stewart


The Simcocks Family