In Memory of Frank Steele Spencer

By Paul Spencer

I've created this page in memory of a loved one

We have decided to create this page in memory of our loved one and raise money for Fight Parkinson's.

Please help me by making a tax deductible donation support them by giving whatever you can.

Fight Parkinson’s is a leading source of specialised health information, advice, and services for those in the Parkinson's community. Through research, education, and support, they strive to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s or Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA and CBS).

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

My Updates


Wednesday 1st Nov
Parkinsons is a cruel disease and the way in which it debilitates its victims is sad to see.I always thought my Dad was unbreakable and nothing could stop him.But seeing the toll Parkinsons has taken was devastating 💔.I ask you to please consider donating to this worthy cause to help find a treatment or cure.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul And Jenny


Tze Ching


Madeline Spencer